deepspaceworks is now permanently closed as of 30th March 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved over the last two decades.
This website remains simply as an archive of some of the things we got up to.
COS11 and art gallery launch – May/June 2011

COS11 and art gallery launch – May/June 2011

During Cheltenham Open Studios this week Cheltenham has seen the launch of our gallery at deepspaceworks.

We have enjoyed a constant stream of visitors since the opening on Saturday. The exhibition including works by 14 artists shows discipline and cross discipline, explored through painting, drawing, photographic technique, craft, artist’s books and artist’s boxes.

Thanks to everyone who has come so far and if you are still hoping to visit we will be open from 10am until 5pm this Saturday and Sunday.

COS exhibition

2 thoughts on “0

  1. Wow you have really made the most of your ‘rabbit warren’.
    Good to see so many artiistic activities together, well done.
    Will send text re life drawing.

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