deepspaceworks is now permanently closed as of 30th March 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved over the last two decades.
This website remains simply as an archive of some of the things we got up to.


Su Billington and Jennie Farley introduce NewBohemians@CharltonKings

Dear friends, poets, performers and musicians,

We would like to introduce you to an enterprise held at deepspaceworks. This is a venue with great atmosphere, excellent acoustics and free parking nearby. NewBohemians@CharltonKings (known as New Bohemians), run by Jennie Farley, provides a programme of poetry, performance, music and workshops which continue at regular intervals throughout the year.

We are hoping you would like to come along and join in, to share your talent and enthusiasm while supporting the Art Centre which provides so much for the community.

We will keep you posted about each coming event by email, printed flyers and poster.

We enjoy good audiences, our entertainment and workshop events are proving equally popular, and the open mic sessions are bringing fresh talent.

A big thank-you to everyone who has participated, performers for your generosity in giving your talent for free, audiences for your enthusiasm and support for deepspaceworks. We look forward to more of your company, and always welcome new members.

With best wishes

Su & Jennie

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