deepspaceworks is now permanently closed as of 30th March 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved over the last two decades.
This website remains simply as an archive of some of the things we got up to.



Click here to see what’s currently on at deepspaceworks art centre

Based in Charlton Kings, the one-time barn, sail-makers, warehouse and factory on Hamilton Street morphs once again into deepspaceworks art centre: a unique creative space in which the development of relationships between the arts, enterprise and the public, at local, regional and global levels are emphasised.

deepspaceworks is not funded as an organisation but run voluntarily on a not for profit basis and is committed to delivering a broad based, accessible Visual Arts Space within the community.

A ‘place for Art’, deepspaceworks incorporates 7000 sq ft of artists studios, classroom, events and exhibition space. It provides teaching & learning for all levels of ability; societies, events and exhibitions as well as networking opportunities.

A Printmaking department is currently developing to include access to Stone Lithography and Letterpress.

deepspacestudios already provide spaces for 20 practicing artists while supporting local business within its rambling interior.

deepspacegallery is ideally placed off the London Road at ‘Six Ways’, Cheltenham, and continues to develop and adapt as and when needed as a working exhibition and classroom space.

deepspaceclasses  provide art classes that include Portrait, Life Drawing and Artist’s Books as well as ArtAble classes for adults with difficulties, Art For Your Sake for carers and Arty Crafty Kids Club.

artistbookarts have an established but growing collection of Artist’s Books within deepspacegallery that are available to view by appointment.

artistboxarts are establishing a home at deepspacegallery for commissioned and exhibited works, and as a lesser known Fine Art resource for artists, schools and establishments.

deepspacelibrary contains an ever increasing range of books on the arts, artists and techniques, plus a collection of exhibition catalogues; all of which are available for reference to deepspacemembers.