We have a very special evening coming up for MATTERSmeets, with a screening of the award winning film, ‘The Economics of Happiness’, followed by a live Skype call with Helena Norberg-Hodge, the maker of the film.
Throughout the film, thinkers and activists from across the globe present their arguments. Through analysis of the effects of globalization on modern civilization, positive approaches towards better futures are argued, citing many examples of effective grass roots initiatives already in place.
As Helena says, “When people start to connect the dots between climate change, global economic instability and their own personal suffering – stress, loneliness, depression – there is a potential for a movement that will truly change the world. Featuring a wealth of diverse perspectives, the film illustrates these often hidden connections.”
Helena Norberg-Hodge, founder and director of Local Futures (International Society for Ecology and Culture), recognised early on the potential dangers of bio-diversity with it’s links to so-called “free-trade” within the global economics and pioneered the localization movement. Years later, she continues to motivate, teach and inspire grass roots movements and resistance to further dangers towards well-being.
We can no longer ignore the rapid decline of well-being and life on Earth, but through hope, inspiration and motivation, together, we can take positive steps to arrest it.
With this in mind we hope to inspire and motivate you on