deepspaceworks is now permanently closed as of 30th March 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved over the last two decades.
This website remains simply as an archive of some of the things we got up to.
NHS week at deepspaceworks

NHS week at deepspaceworks

NHS Week at deepspaceworks, 23rd – 30th October, hosting Exhibition, Film Screening and Public Meeting

Come and join us for

The Exhibition, “How come we didn’t know?”

How come we didn't know?

by Marion Macalpine

We are delighted to be hosting this touring exhibition of photographs about corporate takeover of our NHS, in which London-based photographer, Marion Macalpine combines fine art photography with community and political issues.

Exhibition opens from 10am – 4pm daily, Monday 24th until Sunday 30th October –

but also on view on

Sunday 23rd October, from 6pm

sell off

at a screening of

“Sell-Off”, the movie. A film about the abolition of our NHS.

Did you know that…

“The NHS is entering the final phase of it’s destruction. In it’s place will be an American style private insurance based system. Successive Governments over a number of decades have laid down the key steps for the deformation disguised as ‘reorganisation’.”


and for an opportunity to find out even more and to ask any questions, join us on

Wednesday 26th October at 7pm for a 7.30pm start

at MATTERSMEETS the National Health Service
Public Meeting with former Green Party leader, Natalie Bennett and invited experts

chaired by Hannah Basson, NHS employee, Unite, Health Branch Secretary & campaigner for a publicly-owned, provided and funded health service.

nhs week flyer

Admission to all events are free, donations are welcomed and refreshments served throughout.

Do seize this opportunity to find out more and join us for the exhibition, the film and/or the discussion.

This is a cross-party & cross-group collaboration that includes Cheltenham 38 DEGREES, Cheltenham Green Party, Unite, deepspaceworks and others

Contact Su on [email-removed] for further information, posters or pdfs