deepspaceworks is now permanently closed as of 30th March 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved over the last two decades.
This website remains simply as an archive of some of the things we got up to.
NB@CK Poetry Evening at deepspaceworks

NB@CK Poetry Evening at deepspaceworks

At the next NB@CK Poetry Evening we are delighted to welcome CHRIS HEMINGWAY who will read from his new collection ‘Party In The Diaryhouse’ (memories of gigs from the late ’70s included!)

 Join us at deepspaceworks for a great evening of entertainment on Friday 22nd June to start at 7.30pm


We will also welcome duo Keith Hyett and Tim Burroughs with a music and poetry fusion ‘The Conversation’, and Peter McDade with an exotic poetry performance inspired by his perfume collection!

And as usual we look forward to Open Mic with poems from the audience.

Please see the poster for details.