In conjunction with Cheltenham Green Party, deepspaceworks presents a MattersMeets Screening
‘THIN ICE: The Inside Story of Climate Change’
Monday 23rd November, 7pm for 7.30 start
All are welcome, admission is free & doors open at 7pm when refreshments will be available.
(Donations welcome to help towards refreshments, licensing and use of the space.)
Climate science has recently been under increasing attack, enough to provoke concerned geologist Simon Lamb to pick up his camera and explore the inside story of climate research. For over three years he followed and filmed scientists from a wide range of disciplines at work in the Arctic, Antarctic, Southern Ocean, New Zealand, Europe and the United States.
One of the film’s executive producers, Emeritus Professor Peter Barrett, says the timing couldn’t be better.
“Thin Ice will be screening in the crucial months before the culmination of efforts toward a global emissions reduction agreement in the 2015 Paris Climate Conference in December. The film allows ordinary people around the world to see leading climate scientists at work and find out why we need to aim for zero carbon emissions.”
There isn’t a moment to lose as the need to make sense of Climate Change has become our greatest challenge and this screening is timed to precede the many worldwide marches and rallies that have been organised for Sunday 29th November to coincide with the upcoming Paris Climate Conference.
It’s not too late to join in – we will be joining the Bristol Climate March and it’s easy and cheap to get to with a day return train journey from Cheltenham Railway Station costing around £9.
Cheltenham Greens march on Bristol for Climate, Justice and Jobs