deepspaceworks is now permanently closed as of 30th March 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved over the last two decades.
This website remains simply as an archive of some of the things we got up to.
FRONT Community Hub now open!

FRONT Community Hub now open!

FRONT, our Community Hub & Café at deepspaceworks is now open!

FRONT is first and foremost a place to find out about and/or publicise what is going on within the community and a pleasant space to pop in for a chat.

Our new space includes a gallery, a shop and a plant-based café.

We showcase work from members of deepspaceworks and other local artists & makers from the surrounding areas.

As the Charlton Kings based branch of FoodLoose, we offer a basic range of pulses, grains, dried fruit and nuts to buy loose plus eco-friendly cleaning liquid refills.

A range of artist’s materials will be available to purchase soon!

Open for cakes and drinks from the plant-based café.

Social distancing measures in place.

OPEN Wednesday – Saturday, 10am – 4pm.

See you there!

9 thoughts on “0

  1. This is SO exciting! thank you, thank you thank you. I will be popping in tomorrow hopefully : )

  2. Good luck with the new venture. I knew creativity would kick in! 🙂See you soon. Gillian and Colin

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