deepspaceworks is now permanently closed as of 30th March 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved over the last two decades.
This website remains simply as an archive of some of the things we got up to.
deepspaceworks reopens for COS21

deepspaceworks reopens for COS21

deepspaceworks reopens on Saturday 25th September for Cheltenham Open Studios, COS21

There is a buzz like never before at deepspaceworks as our studio artists prepare to open their creative sanctuaries to the public.

deepspacegallery features works by studio members, associates, class members and a few nomads.

For the past eighteen months or so our studios have held additional and unexpected values to us all. The Front Doors at deepspaceworks are about to reopen as we reveal our studios once more for COS21!

Come and visit any day 10am-4pm, Saturday 25th September-3rd October. Or join us for drinks 6-8pm, Saturday 25th.

Mark Scully
Antonella Scarpa Isles
Sarah Griffiths

Artists’ Open Studios include:

Pippa Mills

Antonella Scarpa-Isles

Sarah Griffiths

Lottie Jana

Jared Gilbey

Danni Brown

Mark Scully

Liv Harvey

Su Billington

FRONT Community Hub hosts ‘The Next Generation’

An exhibition of works by five up and coming young artists.

deepspacegallery is also hosting work during COS21 by three visiting Artists:

Leah Robinson

Annette Turner

Phil Yerburgh