In light of the developing nature of the coronavirus in the UK we have decided to close deepspaceworks to the public from Wednesday 18th March until Monday 20th April.
Currently this will be treated as an elongated Easter break with a view to adding on extra classes and any cancelled events to an extended Summer Term.
We will keep you informed of any further developments that may change the current plan.
Please take care, look after yourselves, keep an eye on those in need and above all STAY CREATIVE and KEEP SMILING!

All the best
Sorry I am not coming to Oasis this afternoon as I am avoiding contact. I have cancelled all my Tai Chi classes! Gillian xxxx
Thanks for letting me know Gillian. A wise move. Take care. Su xx
thank you Su
Sad news but not unexpected I suppose. Looking forward the 20th April – or whenever. Meanwhile I must get on with some solitary drawing, painting and smiling – no excuses!