deepspaceworks is now permanently closed as of 30th March 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved over the last two decades.
This website remains simply as an archive of some of the things we got up to.

OASIS Drop-in Art Class

classroomBetween 9am and 1pm on Thursdays deepspacegallery becomes a dedicated art-room in which to make art at OASIS drop-in sessions. We provide the studio-space; you bring ideas, enthusiasm, any materials you wish and together we can create ‘you-time’ and an ambiance fit for creative productivity.

At OASIS we aim to encourage anyone who needs space to work in, whether skilled or not or somewhere in between, to join the like minded, from budding to established artists, to work towards your goals.

A tutor is available if needed, plus access to a growing reference library as well as opportunities to take part in future exhibitions.

Spend any amount of time you wish between 9am and 1pm at OASIS for £10.

Refreshments available from our cafe throughout the day.

Please see our What’s On page for specific dates.

Any questions? Or to register your interest – email Su on [email-removed][phone-removed] (text only)