deepspaceworks is now permanently closed as of 30th March 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved over the last two decades.
This website remains simply as an archive of some of the things we got up to.
Cheltenham Open Studios 2023 (COS23)

Cheltenham Open Studios 2023 (COS23)

We are looking forward to welcoming visitors to our eclectic collection of artists, studios and gallery exhibits at this year’s Cheltenham Open Studios (COS).

We will be exhibiting a wide variety of works by deepspace studio, class and associate members.

Small Art Show and Sale

More specially commissioned originals in a range of media, by artists showing at COS23. Each 5’x5′ piece costs just £10, with all money raised going to COS funds.

Launch Event

We welcome everybody along to our evening launch on Saturday 10th June, with refreshments from 6 – 8pm.

Find Us

deepspaceworks can be accessed via Hamilton Street at Sixways, opposite the entrance to St Edwards Prep School where there is free public parking. Further access can be made from the entrance to FRONT Community Hub at 197 London Road, Sixways.

Open Times

SAT 10TH JUN: 10am-4pm, 6pm-8pm

SUN 11TH JUN: 11am-4pm

MON 12TH JUN: 10am-4pm

TUE 13TH JUN: 10am-4pm

WED 14TH JUN: 10am-4pm

THU 15TH JUN: 10am-4pm

FRI 16TH JUN: 10am-4pm

SAT 17TH JUN: 10am-4pm

SUN 18TH JUN: 11am-4pm