deepspaceworks is now permanently closed as of 30th March 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved over the last two decades.
This website remains simply as an archive of some of the things we got up to.
Cheltenham Geek Night at deepspaceworks

Cheltenham Geek Night at deepspaceworks

Geek Night at deepspaceworks

After an extended summer break Geek Nights are back at deepspaceworks on Monday 15th September at 7pm, for a hands-on coding session with Ian Russell, co-founder of CraftyCoders (, a principles-focused user group for the West Midlands.Net community.

Geek Night

Ian says: “Working with legacy code can be difficult. We feel afraid to change it but sometimes we have no choice. In this session, you will learn and practice techniques to help you manage the risk? 

You can work in virtually any language, ideally as a pair, just bring along a laptop set up for your chosen language and a willingness to get involved! “