deepspaceworks is now permanently closed as of 30th March 2024.
Thank you to everyone who has been involved over the last two decades.
This website remains simply as an archive of some of the things we got up to.
Arty Crafty Kids Club for April

Arty Crafty Kids Club for April

Coming up this Sunday 19th April from 10.30 until 12.30 is another Arty Crafty Kids Club!

We’ve called it ‘Rainbows and Roses’ to describe all colours & possibilities as this time it will be a free making session. Jo will supply a variety of materials to help you with your own creative ideas to make what you like from them.

The easels will be up and painting, drawing and  other art materials waiting to be used!Eve's Triptych

It’s not always that three easels are available for one artist, but this is what can happen when there are! This clever and amusing triptych (a work of art in three parts) above was created by Eve at the March session.

Subs are £9 each and children who are 6 years and under should be accompanied by an adult. (Refreshments included.)

Please do let us know if you can come and we look forward to seeing you at 10.30 am for Art, Craft and FUN!